Freedom Models - 15106 - Nike Hercules MIN-14 Surface to Air Missile - 1:35
Freedom Models 15103 - CM-34 Clouded Leopard TICV with 30mm Chain Gun - Prototype - 1:35
Freedom Models 15102 - CM-33 Clouded Leopard TICV with 40mm Remote Weapons Station (RWS) - 1:35
Freedom Models 135001 - Republic of Korea Army Armoured Vehicle Crew - 1:35
IAF F-16I SUFA /Storm & F-16C Include 2 All Kits - No scale - Freedom Models - 162711
Freedom Models 162710 - F-16C (Compact Series) Include 2 All Kits - No scale
Freedom Models - F16A 20th Anniversary of 21st Squadron GAMBLERS at Luke Base & F-16B 80 th Anniversary of 814 Air Combat RoCAF
Freedom Models 162708 - F-16 (Compact Series) - No scale
Freedom Models 162706 - Northrop F-5E & F-5F 7th FTW 40th Anniversary ROCAF - No scale
Freedom Models 162705 - Lockheed F-104 & TF-104 NATO Starfighter (Compact Series) Includes 2 kits - No scale
Freedom Models 162702 - Lockheed F-104/TF-104/RF-104 - No scale
Freedom Models 162701 - Northrop F-5E/F-5F/RF-5E Tiger (Compact Series) Include 3 Kits